Another New Platform

Oops! Wrong kind of platform.

Now that that’s out of my system, I’m opening a store on a new platform (and no, I’m not closing my ETSY shop) called goimagine ( Goimagine is pretty unique. They donate all of their profits to children’s charities.

Yep, you heard that right, goimagine donates ALL of their profits to help children in need. No, not the makers profits...their profits.

They believe by creating a handmade marketplace that donates 100% Profits to Charity there's an opportunity to transform the online economy into an engine for social good. That's why all profits made by goimagine are donated to charities that help children in need.

You can learn more about their current charities here:

You can visit my new shop here:


Testing, 1, 2, 3


Thank You Kara Buntin