The Other Things She Does

Besides being a great shop partner, my wife Pennie is also a very talented “plant lady”. She has worked at our local Lowes store in the garden department full time as a live nursery specialist for 23 years and now part time the last 2 years. She spends the rest of her time in her own garden and sewing things that she sells at craft fairs.

Here are some of the things that she makes and sells:

Spring is also when her other talent is in full bloom. It changes every day and week but here is today’s view of our front yard. My oldest daughter Sarah is often in our yard assisting Pennie.

I had the good sense to marry this girl 48 years ago June and she’s been planting things here on our farm since we first bought it 45 years ago. I think she’ll have the yard like she wants it in another 20 years or so.


The Way She Does the Things She Does