The Way She Does the Things She Does

My wife Pennie takes my green bowls out of the soup (denatured alcohol), paints them with Anchorseal and wraps them in brown paper. I’m not sure she enjoys it but it’s something she has always done for me. The fun part is unwrapping them and she usually takes part in that operation too. They come out of the brown paper after 3 months. That’s when you find out if they cracked during the initial drying process. I’ve made so many green bowls in the last 6 months that we were running out of places to put them so they can finish drying (6-9 months more). She consolidated the dry bowls and neatly stacked the green bowls (there are spacers between each bowl in the stack so air can circulate). It took several hours. Below is a video of most of the several hundred bowls in process.

I have finish turned a few bowls that were turned green in April of ‘23. There are well dry. My shop is heated and cooled year round and the humidity stays pretty low. Most bowls are dry enough to finish turn after 6-9 months. If they are not completely dry though they will often warp and crack. Patience grasshopper!

Below are two bowls I turned green last March. I just listed them on the website a few days ago.

#2317 Curly Wild Black Walnut Wooden Bowl 10 1/4" x 2 7/8" $199.00

#2316 Sugar Maple Wooden Fruit and Salad Bowl 11 7/8" x 4 1/4" $249.00


The Other Things She Does

